Here for your dose of light-hearted banter we let loose our thoughts on you daily. Giving you real life issues to think about and exploring all the things we love to hate about our darling London. All in good humour of course…
‘ A day without laughter is a day wasted’
-Charlie Chaplin
I think we have all reached the end of our tethers regarding this pandemic. Boredom has been redefined and I know I’m not the only one counting down the days until we can, go shopping…
What is better than some good memes and hilarious content to keep you feeling jolly through the pandemic? Not much really. Maybe wine? To help you out, we’ve put together a list of…
It’s clear that Brexit is not going to plan but it somehow still seems to be a topic of endless conversation. In the workplace, at the dinner table and even at your blessed Thursday night drinks! When will it end…
This week we are going to be discussing gym etiquette and if you don’t know what that entails or what that means then this article is directed at you. Welcome to FLO London’s list of the most annoying gym habits…
Being a Londoner is a lifestyle. Whilst some of us are native Londoners, many come to London and become indoctrinated in the lifestyle, and we are all Londoners alike! Here are some sure signs you are indeed a Londoner…
Complaining about things is a typical British trait, it helps to unify us together in a sense of collective dread. Complaining is a key part of the daily ritual when living in London a ritual some may say is a great source of stress relief, and we could not agree more…
Complaining about things is a typical British trait, it helps to unify us together in a sense of collective dread. Complaining is a key part of the daily ritual when living in London a ritual some may say is a great source of stress relief…
Complaining about things is a typical British trait, it helps to unify us together in a sense of collective dread. Complaining is a key part of the daily ritual when living in London a ritual…
Complaining about things is a typical British trait, it helps to unify us together in a sense of collective dread. Complaining is a key part of the daily ritual when living in London, and we would really call into question…
This week in London Etiquette we are discussing tube etiquette because frustrations can run high on a Monday morning…