How to make the most of your solo travel experience

Travelling alone opens up the world in unique ways other forms of travel can't match. It's an essential experience, at least occasionally. But not everyone feels comfortable with it. Concerns about loneliness, safety, and more can deter solo travel.

For those ready to take the plunge, we've compiled the ultimate guide to solo travel. Our tips will ensure you have the best experience possible, helping you travel alone and love it.

Discover the ultimate guide to solo travel. Photp by Danka Peter

How to trip alone: ​​tricks And tips

Pack light

You only need to learn this packing lesson once. Keep it light. For a month of solo travel around Ireland, you can manage with just a school-sized backpack. When you check into the hostel in Dublin, the person behind the front desk will be impressed. Other travelers often look like turtles, carrying their entire homes on their backs.

Here are tips for packing a well-balanced and light bag:

  • Include basic staples that you can mix and match for some variety.

  • Avoid packing different outfits for every day if you’re abroad for an extended time.

  • Use laundromats if there’s no washing machine where you’re staying. If all else fails, hand wash!

  • Pack cardigans or sweaters for layering if traveling in fall or winter.

  • Choose backpacks with multiple zippered compartments to keep items separated and easy to find.

  • Leave expensive tech at home, unless you absolutely need it.

  • Limit yourself to two pairs of shoes. Pack versatile and stylish ones so you can go from hiking to a nice dinner out.

  • Bring a basic pair of flip-flops for showers if you’re staying in hostels.

Meet locals

If you are taking a trip by yourself, it does not mean that you have to be in proud solitude for the entire trip. How about meeting someone in the city where you are going. You can even do it in advance. You just need to update Tinder location to get a selection of local men or women. You can read about how to change Tinder location at the link above. In a nutshell, you need a VPN that will change the location. With due luck, you can go on a trip to your internet friend or even love partner.

Eat local foods

One of the most meaningful ways to enhance your solo travel experience is through the foods you choose to eat and where you choose to eat them.

Your first travel adventure might teach you that dining at highly rated restaurants every night isn't always the best choice.

Instead, try eating and living like a local. Shop for fresh ingredients at markets and cook for yourself most nights. Sometimes, enjoy a meal al fresco in a park, surrounded by the sights and sounds of the culture around you.

Start small

When you see others jet-setting across the world, you might feel like you should be doing the same. But remember, everyone starts somewhere. Take baby steps, my friend. If you're not used to being alone, start by practicing. You can watch a movie alone, you can view local attractions, walk around the city on your own, etc. Learn what it feels like to spend time by yourself. It might feel uncomfortable at first, but you’ll grow to enjoy it with time.

Here’s how you can start small:

  • Go to the grocery store, park, mall, movie theater, and (yes!) even dinner by yourself

  • Take a day-trip or weekend trip to a nearby town alone

  • Join a group tour! You won’t be completely solo, and you’re likely to make lifelong friends

  • Travel alone in your home country before venturing abroad solo

  • Travel to an English-speaking country (if that’s your first language) before facing language barriers

Learn more about the area

Doing a little research can go a long way in making you feel more comfortable abroad and ensuring you respect the customs and culture of the country you're visiting. It could also keep you out of trouble!

Here are some things to look into for your destination(s):

  • Clothing expectations for both men and women

  • Greetings and norms around personal space

  • Religious customs that are prevalent in society

  • Local laws such as those surrounding drinking in public, taking photos in public, and cycling

Taking the time to know some basic information about your chosen country or countries shows a level of respect that local people will likely appreciate. Being a humble guest is important for international diplomacy. Be a good citizen diplomat for your home country!

Take care of your smartphone charge

Keeping your cell phone charged is essential. Your phone not only helps you find your way around a new place, but it can also connect you to help if needed. Even without Wi-Fi or data, you can use maps, translator apps, and make emergency calls.

External batteries, portable batteries, power banks—whatever you call them—they’re a game-changer. They're affordable and some models are incredibly lightweight. Once fully charged, they can power your phone 2-3 times.

Wrapping up

Solo travel is on the rise and it’s here to stay. While solo travelers are diverse, most are female and part of the baby boomer or millennial generations. They seek unique experiences and love meeting new people during their trips. You can follow this example and use the tips from the article to have a great time even during a solo trip.