How to make your London home greener

Londoners are becoming increasingly aware of their environmental impact, and a lot of us are looking for ways to make our homes more sustainable. Whether you live in a Victorian terrace, a modern flat, or a suburban semi-detached, there are numerous steps you can take to reduce your carbon footprint and create an eco-friendly living space.

Photo by Anthony Bressy.

Embrace Energy-Efficient Lighting

One of the easiest and most effective ways to start greening your London home is by overhauling your lighting. Traditional incandescent bulbs are energy guzzlers, converting most of their electricity into heat rather than light. You can massively reduce your energy consumption by making the switch to LED lightbulbs.

LED bulbs come in a variety of warmth and brightness levels, allowing you to create the perfect ambience in each room. Smart home technology allows you to control your lighting from your smartphone, set schedules, and even change colours, further optimising your energy use.

Optimise Your Heating System

Heating often accounts for a significant portion of a home's energy consumption. Upgrading to a more efficient boiler can make a substantial difference in your energy usage and bills. Look for boilers with an A rating for efficiency. Many London-based companies, such as British Gas and E.ON, offer boiler installation services and can advise on the best options for your home.
Installing a smart thermostat is another excellent way to optimise your heating. They allow you to control your heating remotely, set schedules, and even learn your preferences over time. This can lead to significant energy savings by ensuring you're only heating your home when necessary.

Don't overlook the importance of proper insulation, either. Many London homes, especially older ones, lose a substantial amount of heat through poorly insulated walls, roofs, and floors. Consider hiring a professional to assess your home's insulation needs.

Harness Solar Power

London may not be known for its sunny weather, but solar panels can still be a viable option for many homes in the capital. Recent advances in solar technology mean that panels can generate electricity even on overcast days, making them increasingly practical for London's climate.

You’ll need to consider factors such as your roof's orientation, angle, and any potential shading from nearby buildings or trees before installing solar panels. Many London-based solar installers offer free assessments to determine whether your home is suitable.

Consider smaller solar-powered devices if a full solar panel system isn't feasible for your property. Solar-powered security lights, garden lamps, or even solar chargers for your devices can help reduce your reliance on grid electricity.

Create a Water-Wise Home

Water conservation is an often overlooked aspect of creating a greener home. Installing water-efficient fixtures can significantly reduce your water consumption without impacting your daily life. Look for taps, showerheads, and toilets with the Water Label, which indicates products that meet water efficiency standards.

Consider installing a water butt to collect rainwater from your roof. This can be used for watering plants, cleaning outdoor areas, or even flushing toilets if properly filtered. Many London boroughs offer discounted water butts to residents as part of their sustainability initiatives.

You could think about xeriscaping - a landscaping approach that reduces or eliminates the need for irrigation. Choose native plants that are adapted to London's climate and require less water. The Royal Horticultural Society offers excellent resources on water-wise gardening suitable for London's environment.

Upgrade Your Doors

Doors are often overlooked, but they play a crucial role in your home's energy efficiency. Poorly fitted or inadequately insulated doors can lead to significant heat loss, forcing your heating system to work harder and consume more energy.

Consider replacing old doors with energy-efficient alternatives. Look for doors with a high U-value, which indicates better insulation properties. Composite doors are particularly popular in London due to their excellent thermal performance and security features.

Don't forget about your internal doors, either. Ensuring they fit properly and adding draught excluders can help maintain consistent temperatures throughout your home, reducing the load on your heating system. Upgrades don’t have to be ugly. You can find door handles that are stylish and suit efficient doors at Corston;  a sustainably focussed company. They use solid brass which is not only durable, but also infinitely recyclable meaning there is no waste in their production process. Choosing the companies you buy from carefully is another key way to make sure you’re being as green as possible.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Implementing a comprehensive recycling system in your home is crucial for reducing your environmental impact. Familiarise yourself with your local council's recycling guidelines, as these can vary across London boroughs. Set up clearly labelled bins for different types of recyclables to make sorting easier for all household members.

Beyond recycling, focus on reducing your overall waste. Choose products with minimal packaging when shopping, and opt for reusable alternatives to disposable items. Many London shops now offer package-free options for groceries and household items.

Grow Your Own

It’s possible to grow some of your own food even if you live in the heart of London. This not only reduces the carbon footprint associated with transporting produce but also provides you with fresh, pesticide-free vegetables and herbs.

Community gardens and allotments are also popular in London, offering the opportunity to grow your own food while connecting with your local community. Think about dedicating a portion of your garden to growing vegetables. Window boxes, balconies, or even indoor spaces can be used for growing herbs, salad leaves, or compact varieties of vegetables if you have limited outdoor space.